Scientists Find Toxic Enzyme To Cause Hair Loss And 1 Morning Trick To Fix It Today


Hi, my name is James Connor.

If you're losing your hair, or you are worried about losing your hair…

You are five minutes away from the biggest breakthrough of your entire life.

Because you're about to realize that the hair you've lost…

Isn't really lost at all.

You just thought it was, because you didn't know the truth.

And the truth will set you free, as you'll see.

If you're here it means you're hurting. Something just isn't right with the world.

When your hairline first crept back a bit you didn't think much of it.

And when clumps of hair were showing up in your comb you ignored that too.

This was just a natural part of getting older, right?

But then it got worse….

And you actually started to see a different person in the mirror. A person you didn't like anymore.

You began to feel like you were losing control as months and years went by. Like your good looks were being robbed from you before your very eyes.

You don't stand as tall as you used to now.

You can sense eyes upon you... judging you wherever you go.

You look years older.

The girls don't look at you the same way; and deep down you know, neither does your wife.

You went from studly to nerdy and then to pathetic; and all it took was the loss of a few hair follicles.

You keep wondering when it would stop.

But it won't stop, until everything is gone.

Your confidence drops by the day. Your very identity is shaken.

"Am I really the man I used to be?"

"Will my spouse ever see me the same way?"

"Will I ever see myself the same way?"

You find yourself at a crossroad.

Everyone you trust is telling you should accept it, shave your head and go on with your life.

But for many of you, not graced with the stunning scalp of a Mr. Clean, that's just not an option.

Before you found this page, you've probably looked at countless other products - pills, potions and creams, noticing that they were either too expensive or too time consuming; and none had promise of long term results.

And dark hopelessness is setting in. You don't know if it will ever go away…

If any of this rings true for you, I just have one thing to say.

It isn't your fault.

It really isn't.

You along with hundreds of millions of other men, are suffering from the exact same problem, thinking the exact same thoughts.

And are coming to realize the exact same thing.

None of this crap you're being offered actually works…

Excuse my French.

If you feel as if you've wasted your time and wasted your money, I hate to say it.

But you have.

I'm a hair restoration expert and believe me…

All my patients use Rogaine and Propecia. It's not like they haven't heard of it.

They use it every day.

And yet they're still in my office with a head as bald as a golf ball, ready to go under the knife to fix this problem.

I thought I was doing them a service by cutting them up.

I really thought that.

Until one day.

A day that changed me forever.

I realized it just doesn't have to be that way.

I realized that a problem that seemed out of our control, was actually very much in our control.

And the 8.4 billion dollar hair industry that's cashing in this most difficult time of your life, instead of curing us…

They don't even attempt to offer a cure to this condition, a condition which is in many ways destroying our lives... by the millions.

I will admit.

The products they offer us may have some results for a little while.

But are they the complete solution?

How long do these results actually last?

Here's a little secret they don't want you to know.

Did you know that Rogaine was only tested on its subjects for 5 years and then all testing was halted as it went to market?

Try to find someone still using Rogaine successfully after those 5 years.

Try to find them and you'll see, they just don't exist.

And they know it.

And they continue to sell it, even though it isn't a real solution.

If you don't believe me, call up Rogaine's customer service right now and ask them if this product is a cure for hair loss.

They will be forced to admit the truth. That is not.

The dirty truth is, they don't want a cure.

Because if your hair loss is cured, there is nothing for them to sell you month by month, that will fill their deep, greedy pockets.

And by the way, that kind of thinking is what's at the head of many medical problems we face today.

The medical industry is no longer interested in cures, because you only pay for a cure once, but their products make them money for life.

That's why there's so much talk of a cure for everything from chicken pox to yellow fever, but no cure for hair loss…

Sure, hair loss isn't lethal, but per capita it causes as much suffering as any of these diseases.

But now…

If you aren't mad enough, I'm going to send your blood boiling….

What if I told you they aren't looking for a solution to hair loss because there is already a solution to hair loss…

And that solution has been known to the hair care industry for over 9 years.

And yet this solution hasn't made it into any of their products…

Or been covered in a single article anywhere online.


Because it's being suppressed by those in power, to protect their mega empire.

I really hate to tell this to people, because it's really hard to swallowHair loss is one big mirage.

A problem that had a solution, long long ago.

A problem you don't need to be suffering from, because your body and nature already have everything you need to regrow a full head of hair and keep it until the day you die.

And it's nearly free and lasts longer than any product on the market would promise you.

This solution has been conveniently avoided by the hair care industry.

When someone attempted to make a product with these ingredients, they were beaten down with threats for litigation, before their product ever saw the light of the day.

Why?Because it had in it an exotic all natural compound, most have never heard of, that begins regrowing your hair within hours of taking it.

With new follicles appearing sooner than what any other product on the market would guarantee you.

This was proven beyond any shadow of doubt, in a study of 850 men and women, who almost universally achieved these results, that no other hair care product could dream of having.

So why weren't these product creators on TV?

The story of this incredible solution would have been the biggest health headline in a decade.

And yet it was immediately suppressed by the powers that be.

To protect their snake oil business.

Because this rare compound, which costs almost nothing and has zero side effects…

Took this 42 year old man from this…

To this

I ask you again. Why wasn't this in the papers? The health magazines?

Don't you think they'd be embracing a solution like this?

Well now you know better.

The explanation is simple - 8.4 billion dollars in reorder sales, from disposable factory made products like Rogaine.

This money, and their goons, are the only things standing between you and this solution.

I'm no conspiracy theorist.

But as an insider in this industry, I can assure there is a conspiracy to keep you from the true solution to hair loss.

And all the proof you need is right in front of your eyes.

This 39 year old woman went from this…

To this

And this 47 year old man went from this…

To this

Those are new hair follicles they've grown and total restoration of at least 8 years of hair loss.

But you'll never get near any of these results, unless you stay tuned here until the end of this video, when I blow the lid of what happened here.

What follows in this video is the part where we were threatened with a lawsuit if we kept it up.

They said take it down or force us to begin litigation.

Even though we haven't done anything illegal.

You have to wonder, why are they worried about a small guy like me…

Who has no power…

When they are building companies worth over 8.4 billion dollars.

I'll tell you why.

The cat is coming out of the bag now.

Their hair loss solutions aren't actually solutions.They are money drainers.

They claim to be the experts but as usual, the emperor had no clothes.

It only takes one little child to say it.

And the whole kingdom comes crashing down.

And I guess that child is me this time.

They have something to hide.

We don't.

We publish our tests comparing them to the major brands and as you can see…

We produce higher hair growth. Thicker hair growth. Over longer periods of time.

Than any of all the 3 major brands.

With one major difference - absolutely no side effects.


I shouldn't say that.

There are side effects. Our people feel more healthy, they have more energy and they sleep better. Because when you regrow your hair, you regrow more than your hair.

As it turns out, there is a solution to hair loss.

Only one problem - it doesn't drain money out of your pockets every month.

Which puts me in a unique position. Because for me, this isn't about the money. I made my money already.

Because it isn't fair that this natural solution is kept from you. It isn't fair that you have to suffer one more day.

Like I said, my name is James Connor and I live in Dallas, Texas with my lovely wife Laura and my two daughters: Blake and Christie.

I graduated from NYU medical school.

And I was for a time, one of the foremost hair care specialists in New York. Many well known athletes and celebrities have come to my practice.

For the all natural look and non invasive surgeries we provide. On the outside I was top of my game. But I wasn't really all that happy inside.

I knew that my practice was imperfect.

It's hard to admit this.

But 20% of my patients wound up with a noticeable scar after the first 10 years. Most of my competitors were around 45%.

Some call hair transplants the “perfect crime” for this reason. The damage only shows up later.

It was a horrible cost of doing business to leave someone disfigured.

But I figured, I was helping more than I was hurting, at least providing better service than my competitors.

And I went on with my life.

But I was really deeply wishing inside there was a way I could help these people with no harm at all.

Lying in bed, I wondered if what I was doing was really right.

After all, the essence of the hippocratic oath I took was to do no harm. Did I really deliver on that promise?

I shoved these thoughts in the back of my mind, until a window cracked open for me one day.

It started when a man named Zhang Wei came into my office.

Zhang was in the prime of his life. But he wasn't feeling prime about it. And he had lost everything on his head, but the crown.

He had the hairline of George Costanza and he was only 28.

He was extremely distraught.

I asked him about how long this was going on and he literally started to cry in my office, telling me It started when he was 19.

He has been wearing a hat ever since then.

He even hid his hair from his girlfriend. The light always had to be off the bedroom. His girlfriend saw him without the hat one day and left him a few days later.

I've had people who are upset but I never saw a patient so emotional about their balding problem.

So I dug a little deeper to find out why.

Turns out, he lives in Chinatown in New York. He is the only one in his family who is balding, including his parents and grandparents.

It was very lonely.

We had the procedure and it was successful. He is extremely happy now. He recently sent me a picture of himself with his new girlfriend who is beautiful.

The whole incident shook me.

Something bothered me about it and I had to figure out what it was.

Why haven't I seen an oriental person in my office before?

Why was he the only among his oriental friends, when in the United States it's common to see young men go bald as young as 18…

So I started to research.

I found that hair loss is to a large extent a geographical issue. Hair loss is concentrated in these areas of the world.

If you don't believe me, go yourself to Egypt, Lebanon or Hong Kong and try to find someone balding.

You'll struggle.

Go there and see it for yourself.

I wondered… is that all genetics or we could use this information to help find a solution, like the one I'd been dreaming off.

So I looked for studies that might help me figure out why some countries had so much problem with balding and others didn't.

I have a med school buddy who is a researcher for Novartis. I thought he might be able to shed some light.

I was surprised to hear him say that Novartis has done a lot of research on hair loss, but most studies are not released to the public.

For reasons I quickly understood.

I asked if I could see them.

He said to give him a few days and he should be able to get the clearance he needs.

And he did.

Like a kid in a candy store, I looked that research over from cover to cover.

Then ran a search to see if there was anything on ethnicity and geography and its effect on hair loss.

As it turns out, there was a large study done on this exact topic, working with a large sample population from each of the major countries involved in the analysis.

The research was exhaustive.

It was a tremendous study analyzing everything from their lifestyle to their genetics. They went so far as to analyze not only blood types but the consecration of certain vitamins and minerals in the blood, related to hair loss.

The study also mentioned a steroid called DHT, which in high levels, is responsible for hair loss. I was no stranger to DHT.

You see, DHT, also known as dihydrotestosterone, is a product that comes from testosterone. As years go by, your body transforms more and more of your testosterone into DHT.

The higher your DHT levels are, the more chances you have of going bald.

Now, DHT is not all bad, there is no problem in having a little of it. But when its levels get higher, it leads to constant fatigue, lower sex drive, enlarged prostate and accelerating hair loss.

In basic terms, what this steroid does is it enters your hair follicles and kills them.

You see, the hair growing cycle repeats every three to six years. It means that the current hair you have on your head is at most 6 years old. Once each one of the hairs on your scalp reaches the end of this cycle, it falls out and gets replaced by new hair.

As more DHT enters your bloodstream, the worse it gets for you. DHT settles inside the “papilla”, the part where your hair starts to grow, then it clogs up the area and so your new hair stops growing and you start balding.

Now here is when things got interesting with the study.

As the study says, the cause for all this is an enzyme inside your body called 5-alpha-reductase, also known as 5-ARD. Both men and women produce this enzyme and as we get older, the amount of 5-ARD in our bodies increases at a rapid pace.

Now wait a second..

If this enzyme is found more often in older people, then why would a guy like Zhang, in the prime of his life, would go bald before his 30s.

It didn't make sense.

But then the study quickly showed something that shocked me.

As it turns out, the high amounts of 5-ARD had nothing to do with aging, as most scientists tend to believe but it had everything to do with geography.

Yes, geography is responsible for your bald spots.

As it appears, people from certain regions of the world consume higher amounts of minerals and vitamins that naturally inhibit the production of 5-ARD in their body.

Therefore, the lower the amount of this enzyme is in your body, the lower the DHT levels are and the faster your hair follicles start regenerating.

And all your hair loss problems go away.

The study mentioned a special compound that taken in the right doses is literally the solution to hair loss.

I couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing.

I asked my friend - “whatever happened with this study?”

He said that the study was abandoned about a year after they started it.

I sad, "Why abandon it… that's the greatest study ever on hair loss?"

He said “well that was the time they figured out how to make rogaine with minoxidil”.

I said “you mean they ignored this organic compound that's the actual solution to hair loss, in favor of a chemical that causes skin rashes, swelling of face, inflammation at the root of hair and countless other side effects”.

He said “yes, basically. You know how it works.”

“All too well," was all I could respond.

This organic compound works better than anything you've seen on the market.

You don't need to take it for the rest of your life.

It naturally equilibrates the values of this hormone and counteracts the follicle killer, which is the 5-ARD enzyme.

Now, even though this study was halted, I knew it was my job to pick it up where they left off. Maybe this was the reason I got into this industry in the first place.

To find not a way, but a solution. The solution that nature is waiting on us to discover.

This solution was right here the entire time. And it's almost free.

So I gathered together a team of scientists, who were friends of mine and we developed a cocktail of the ingredients that not only help create this effect in powerful and rapid ways…

But what we wound up with is what we call a super cocktail of the ingredients that supercharge all the effects seen in that study.

So it works fast, and generates far higher quality hair that lasts longer. This is the cocktail of hair regrowth.

And the craziest part is…

Until today…

Nobody in the world has ever heard of it.

But you.

My first big experiment with this super cocktail was James Kater.

He was suffering from a rare condition that caused all his hair to fall out in a matter of weeks. Mainstream thinking had it that the hair would never come back.

He was 38 years old.

He was depressed.

He used to be popular among women before this mess happened to him.

He wanted me to give him a hair transplant. I said, "not until you try this."

We gave him the super cocktail according to the parameters we discovered in our tests.

He thought it sounded strange, but he obliged.

Soon after I get an email from him, with this picture attached.

I couldn't believe it either.

This turned his entire life around.

He started going out again.

He now has a girlfriend who's a stunning model.

He started picking up baseball again.

He is a new person.

They say the clothes make the man. But in truth, from my experience, it's the hair that does it.

Anna Barber, is a woman whose hair looked like this:

She was 42 years old. Still in her prime.

And she was certain her husband was losing interest in her. She tried the cocktail and looked at her now.

Mr. Bennett was recently divorced, going back to the dating scene.

And was getting no interest.

This is how he came into it day 1.

And this is after he tried the super cocktail.

And here's the beauty of it.

With the super cocktail, you don't need to cut out sugar. You don't need to massage your scalp 12 times a day. You don't need to exercise. Or breathe… or go raw. Or improve all your health.

You just have one thing to take and it takes less than a minute.

Now here's something you didn't know.

Those testimonials are just the tip of a very large iceberg. We have them pouring in from every part of the country and yes. Every part of the world.

We try to catalogue all of them here.

But they are literally coming in too fast to put on the website.

And it all happens because we put this solution inside a supplement capsule, an all natural solution that anyone can take at home.

We called it   Profolan

This solution has helped thousands already.

A product like no other because it gets to the root of the problem, it's all natural and it's one time which means you won't have to buy anything else from us again.

You cannot find a hair regrowth product that has all these benefits.

Because it simply doesn't exist.

We are the first to bring this to market, and by the looks of it, we'll be the only ones for quite some time.

So now it's time to ask yourself.

One year from now, who do you want to be?

Do you want to be the person still trying to figure out how to make a believable comb-over?

Or do you want to be the person being hit on by others half your age?

The one who's spouse gets giddy to see when you come home, or the one still trying to find a good hat to hide behind?

And when I talk about these dreams, they really aren't dreams at all…

These are real results, as I'll explain in a moment.

This is really happening.

A new era in your life is about to begin. Greater than what you've ever experienced before.

You will have every person you know burning with envy and crowding around you like you're a celebrity asking how you did it.

But you will be the only one who knows the secret.

The secret solution to hair loss.

Now there is one thing that may worry you - you might be wondering about the price of this product.

So let me just turn that question back to you.

What would you be willing to pay to know you'd never need to worry about your hair falling out again?

Really think about that.

Would you pay $500? $1,000?

Personally I would pay more.

Any sane man would.

This is your self esteem we're talking about here.

So could I charge that much?


And I'd have people lining up.

But the truth is, I'm not here to make myself money.

I'm retired and I'll be just fine.

I'm here to make an impact. I'm here to make a dent in an industry filled to the brim with lies and misinformation.

And I'm here to create another success story.

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